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Monday 18 March 2013

Evaluation - Target Audience

Who would be the audience for your media product?
Here is a photo of our target audience - the 16-25 male audience who enjoy watching films. This is because this age group tends to enjoy films that are fun and fast-paced with lots of action sequences. Despite this, they also tend to enjoy films with a relative amount of sophistication and watch films that are well reviewed. Any younger than this and the quality of the film is judged on the amount of action sequences without much plot of talking. This is not what we were going for, but instead we opted for the higher age group as we believe that our film is relatively sophisticated.
The 16-25 male audience also tend to have the most amount of disposable money, so this is a benefit for targeting this age group. It also helps the film to have a higher budget, as the institutions would know that they are likely to get their money back from this audience. However it must not be forgotten that this age group has other commitments such as university and school, so the film would probably be more successful if it were released on a Friday or Saturday - when they are not doing so much work. Our film helps to counter this work as it provides escapism from everyday life, which is certainly a selling point in our film. This age group may be more reluctant to go and see a film based on a classic novel or a period drama, as it would seem like work, so our film would appeal to this age group more.
The problem with our film is that there are a lot of films that are aimed at this age group, and there is a danger that our film will be lost amongst the tidal wave of other action films aimed at this demographic. Therefore, an essential part of the marketing should be ensuring positive reviews and  a good reception. To target this age group successfully we would have to build up a hype for the film, which would involve making sure that the trailers and posters are shared on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. In this age group many are influenced by their friend's recommendations, so it is vital that we employ a viral marketing campaign similar to 'The Dark Knight Rises', which successfully exploited teenage usage of Twitter.
Overall I think that our film would be of great appeal to the 16-25 male audience through it's fast paced action sequences and mature plot. This audience tends to use social networking sites a great deal, and this would be a brilliant opportunity to advertise our film. I think that we very successfully appealed to this audience in the opening two minutes, as we established our film as fast paced and full of twists.

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