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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Shot Evaluations - The Death Shot

This shot occurs directly after Agent Davidson has killed his opposition and just walked off screen. The camera lingers on this shot for a few seconds and this is very significant, so I would like to explain all the connotations:

The most interesting feature of this shot is that the man dies in the shape of a gun, you can see his legs as the gun barrel, arms as the trigger and the head as the grip. The gun has many connotations, it is associated with power and authority, whoever holds the gun has the power. In this case the connotations are subverted so the dead person holds the power. This foreshadows what will happen later in the film, that he will regret what happened at Trafalgar Square and killing the agent. Davidson will be haunted by the ghosts of the past forever. Alternatively this gun could represented as Agent Davidson having the power and leaving destruction in his wake. Even when he kills they fall in the shape of weapons. The red colour of the shoes is to represent blood and anger, which are both significant themes in the film.
On the left of the screen we can see the wall is damp, but not just a normal sort of damp, the dampness is incredibly dark and foreboding. It has the feel of dripping blood and definitely looks very sinister.It could also represent the world going downhill and rotting away with filth. There is also a dark shadow that seems to be approaching from the right side of the screen which is representative of shadows closing in on Davidson's life. In fact the only real light in the scene is over the dead body which was Davidson's last success creating an interesting paradox.
These colours wouldn't be nearly as prevalent without the colour grading, which we spent a few hours working out. Colour grading is very important, not just to give it a more polished, rounded look, but also to create a lot of symbolism and subconsciously evoke certain emotions.

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