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Wednesday 5 December 2012

Soundtrack Research - Skyfall

For our film we are planning to get hold of a composer for our soundtrack, as this way we can have maximum control over the music. The composer will be able to adjust the music to suit the scene, make in more intense at the right moments, and repeat character motifs. All helpful tools in making the film look as professional and as neat as possible. Despite this, I will look at a few soundtracks of similar films so that our composer can have some sort of an idea of what it should sound like, and so that we can get the feel for our film very early on.

Skyfall - The Bloody Shot

I like the sound and feel of this music as it is very intense and cinematic. The tension that it builds over the course of the track is what I really like. It edges towards minor crescendos and then drops back again, and you can feel that something big is going on in the film. It is obviously tailored to the visuals, and so the soundtrack does not become a piece on it's own, which is perfect. We do not want music that overpowers and outshines the visuals, but we want music that is in the background and supports the action. On the other hand, music is a powerful tool in increasing the intensity of a scene, and we can't miss out on this trick. Another feature of this track that I really like is when the James Bond motif obviously shines through at 2:09, making it obvious that James Bond is on screen and he is about to do something that only James Bond would do. I want our soundtrack to have its own motifs for the various characters, and the score should be build upon this. What is also really nice about this soundtrack is the variety of instruments and the full orchestra, but unfortunately we would not be able to manage this. I know a lot of people who play various instruments, but it wouldn't be enough to compare with a score like this.

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