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Monday 12 November 2012

Opening Two Minutes Synopsis

After numerous discussions with the co-chairman of Enigma Entertainment Ltd, we have decided on a suitable opening two minutes for our film. The setting is Trafalgar Square, the ultimate location in regard to convenience and iconicism.
Agent Davidson is in deep cover with the kidnapping organisation, and is preparing to join them in their latest hit, but the boss hasn't turned up. The target arrives and the timing dictates that the hit must go ahead at that moment. Davidson calls him up, to discover that the boss is running away from an unknown enemy, but the hit must go on.
Davidson and his team advance into the square from different angles, communicating through ear pieces. Suddenly things start going down hill. One of the team is shot by a sniper on a building and the team scatters. Davidson realises that the sniper must be working for the L.E.E, and sees that he has been betrayed, but he does not know why. The kidnapping has failed, and the hit has disappeared in the panic. Davidson runs away and bumps into the boss of the company, who has been shot by an unknown assailant. In his dying moment Davidson reveals to him that he has been working for the L.E.E all along but has been betrayed, and the boss gives him the number of 'someone who could help' before dying.

Although this synopsis is by no means detailed and full, it gives an overall impression of the scene, introducing several enigmas and dragging the audience in from the outset. It appeals to the 16-25 male audience through fast paced, yet intelligent action sequences, and through its twisting plotline. This opening will soon be expanded upon, and storyboards and maps will be drawn up.

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